Hacker Factor develops custom software for business clients. The following applications are provided as public samples.
- FotoForensics.
An online, real-time photo forensics system. Users can submit pictures for digital analysis and immediately see the analysis. This is an example of some of the photo forensics tools developed by Hacker Factor.
- Gender Guesser.
The words you use can disclose identifying features. This tool attempts to determine an author's gender based on the words used.
Submitted text is evaluated based on two types of writing: formal and informal. Formal writing includes fiction and non-fiction stories, articles, and news reports. Informal writing includes blog and chat-room text. (Email can be formal, informal, or some combination.) You should view the results based on the appropriate type of writing.
This is an example forensic profiling tool that averages around 70% accurate.
- Active Disassociation of Hyperlink Data.
This tool generates random web searches. It is designed to confuse online advertisers since any collected 'personal' online information comes from a random number generator. Although this won't stop advertisers and data collectors from monitoring your online activities, it will increase the noise level and could potentially devaluate the information they gather.
- Jpeg Quality (C source code).
This program estimates a JPEG's quality level by averaging the quantization tables.
Vulnerability Disclosures
On occasion, security risks, exploits, and issues become public.
The following reports are the Hacker Factor public disclosures.
Please be aware that the vast majority of issues identified by
Hacker Factor are never presented to the public.
- Olivier Debon Flash Player Write-Overflow (15-January-2002).
Reported at
BugTraq and
- HPUX pcltotiff escalated privileges
(March 2001).
Reported at
BugTraq, and
in the HP Security
NOTE: Hewlett-Packard announced the defect as a denial-of-service. This
is incorrect; it is a privilege escalation.
- Macromedia Flash Player Overflows
Numerous overflow and denial-of-service conditions due to the Macromedia
Flash player.
Reported at
BugTraq and
This was also picked up by the popular press, including
Flash Magazine,
Fox News, and many foreign media outlets.